Horizontal Running – may be just what you are looking for

Saturday night was a late one which automatically means that Sunday is a lazy day. No gym session for sure and as I geared up to watch the third straight episode of Law & Order I had to assume that this semi-comatose state couldn’t be good for me. A quick Google seach proved me right.  There is even a name for it.  The active couch potato.

Many people adults and children alike fit into this category.  We run, play team sports or bust our butts at the gym for an hour everyday.  The problem is that the rest of the day we spend our time sitting; in front of a computer, the TV, using electronic games or sitting in our cars. Although we are technically meeting the public-health guidlines for physical activity these prolonged periods of low metabolic expenditure can be compromising our health.

A recent study from the United States examined sedentary behaviors in relation to cardiovascular mortality outcomes, based on 21 yr of follow-up of 7744 men. Those who reported spending more than 10 h a week sitting in automobiles (compared to less than four hours a week), and more than 23 h of combined television time and automobile time (compared to less than 11 hours a week) had an 82% and 64% greater risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, respectively.” They did determine that TV time alone was not a significant predictor – phew. So if I bike to work and clean my house more I can still watch TV. Sounds win win.

Another Finnish study had volunteers wear shorts containing electrodes that measured the contraction of leg muscles. Researched hypothesized that they would see less muscle inactivity on days the volunteers excercise but that was not the case.

There was, in fact, virtually no difference in how much time people spent being couch potatoes on the days when they exercised compared with days when they did not. On nonexercise days, about 72 percent of volunteers’ waking time, or about nine hours, was spent sitting. When they formally exercised, volunteers used about 13 percent more energy overall than on days they didn’t exercise. But they still sat 68 percent of the time.

So in order to improve our health we need to start looking at physical activity beyond the gym. 

  • Google desk workouts and get moving during the work day
  • Make those video games help rather than hinder. I know everyone has a Wii fit collecting dust
  • stretch, do push-ups or jog in place during commercials
  • Keep the TV, Facebook, Netflix and video games to a minimum. 
  • Keep the diet clean, it will make a big difference in all aspects of your health.
  • Horizontal Running, if your going to lay down you might as well get some excercise

I have been sitting too long so I am off the lunge around the office. 

Take Care


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Louise Hersak RHN, RCRT

Complete Articles on Active Coach Potatoes




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